Input and Output
Inputting Video/Image Data
GPUPixel supports different input formats:
RGBA Data Input
// For RGBA data
source_raw_input_->uploadBytes(pixels, width, height, stride);
Example with camera frame processing:
gpuPixelRawInput->uploadBytes(pixels, width, height, stride);
YUV Data Input
// For YUV420P data
source_raw_input_->uploadBytes(width, height,
bufferY, strideY,
bufferU, strideU,
bufferV, strideV);
Setting Output Callbacks
You can set callbacks to receive processed data:
// RGBA callback
target_raw_output_->setPixelsCallbck([=](const uint8_t *data,
int width,
int height,
int64_t ts) {
// Process RGBA data
size_t rgba_size = width * height * 4;
// Do something with the data
// I420 callback
target_raw_output_->setI420Callbck([=](const uint8_t *data,
int width,
int height,
int64_t ts) {
// Process I420 data
size_t y_size = width * height;
const uint8_t *uData = data + y_size;
const uint8_t *vData = data + y_size + y_size / 4;
// Do something with the data