Filter List
GPUPixel provides a rich set of filters for image processing. Here's a complete list of available filters categorized by their functionality.
Basic Filters
Color Adjustment
- Brightness Filter: Adjusts the brightness of the image
- Contrast Filter: Controls image contrast
- Exposure Filter: Modifies image exposure
- Grayscale Filter: Converts image to grayscale
- HSB Filter: Adjusts Hue, Saturation, and Brightness
- Hue Filter: Changes image hue
- RGB Filter: Adjusts Red, Green, and Blue channels
- Saturation Filter: Controls color saturation
- White Balance Filter: Corrects color temperature
Blur Effects
- Bilateral Filter: Edge-preserving smoothing filter
- Box Blur Filter: Simple box blur effect
- Box Mono Blur Filter: Monochrome box blur
- Gaussian Blur Filter: Gaussian smoothing effect
- Gaussian Blur Mono Filter: Monochrome Gaussian blur
- iOS Blur Filter: iOS-style blur effect
- Single Component Gaussian Blur Filter: Gaussian blur for single channel
- Single Component Gaussian Blur Mono Filter: Monochrome Gaussian blur for single channel
Artistic Effects
- Color Invert Filter: Inverts image colors
- Color Matrix Filter: Applies color matrix transformation
- Crosshatch Filter: Creates crosshatch drawing effect
- Emboss Filter: Creates embossed effect
- Glass Sphere Filter: Spherical glass distortion effect
- Halftone Filter: Creates halftone pattern effect
- Pixellation Filter: Creates pixelated effect
- Posterize Filter: Reduces image to limited colors
- Sketch Filter: Creates sketch-like effect
- Smooth Toon Filter: Cartoon effect with smoothing
- Sphere Refraction Filter: Spherical refraction effect
- Toon Filter: Cartoon/comic effect
Beauty Filters
Face Beauty
- Beauty Face Filter: Complete face beautification
- Beauty Face Unit Filter: Individual face beauty adjustments
- Face Makeup Filter: Applies makeup effects
- Face Reshape Filter: Adjusts face shape
- Blusher Filter: Applies blush effect
- Lipstick Filter: Applies lipstick effect
Advanced Processing
Edge Detection
- Canny Edge Detection Filter: Canny edge detection algorithm
- Directional Sobel Edge Detection Filter: Directional edge detection
- Sobel Edge Detection Filter: Standard Sobel edge detection
Image Processing
- Background Segmentation Filter: Separates background from foreground
- Box Difference Filter: Calculates box differences
- Box High Pass Filter: High-pass filtering
- Convolution3x3 Filter: 3x3 convolution operations
- Directional Non Maximum Suppression Filter: Edge thinning
- Luminance Range Filter: Adjusts luminance range
- Nearby Sampling3x3 Filter: 3x3 neighborhood sampling
- Non Maximum Suppression Filter: Peak detection
- Weak Pixel Inclusion Filter: Weak edge pixel processing
- Filter Group: Combines multiple filters into a group
Each filter can be customized with specific parameters to achieve desired effects. For detailed usage of each filter, please refer to the API documentation.