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Version: 1.3.0-beta


This chapter will introduce the integration methods of GPUPixel across different systems. The latest precompiled libraries for each platform can be downloaded from here.

iOS & MacOS

The linking methods for iOS and MacOS libraries are the same, so they are discussed together.

Adding Dependencies

Copy the GPUPixel library to your project directory.

├── gpupixel.framework
├── gpupixel.framework

Select Project -> Targets -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries.

Click the + button at the bottom left to add the dependencies as shown above. CoreMedia.framework and AVFoundation.framework are system libraries that provide capabilities such as camera capture.

Framework Search Path

Select Project -> Targets -> Build Settings -> Search Paths -> Framework Search Paths, and enter the path where GPUPixel is stored.

Embedding Framework

Select Project -> Targets -> General -> Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content.

Set the GPUPixel library to Embed & Sign, and choose Do Not Embed for the system libraries.

Objective-C Invocation

Since GPUPixel is written in C++, to call C++ from Objective-C, you need to change the file extension of the Objective-C source files from .m to .mm. This allows mixing Objective-C and C++.

All GPUPixel headers are included in gpupixel.h. Simply import

#import <gpupixel/gpupixel.h>

to access all methods. For detailed method invocations, refer to here.

Swift Invocation

After Swift 5.9, direct interaction with C++ is possible through a bridging header, eliminating the need for Objective-C as an intermediary. You can refer to this article or the official Swift documentation on Mixing Swift and C++.


Download the latest gpupixel-release.aar and place it in your Android project directory, such as the libs folder.

Add the dependency in Gradle:

dependencies {
    implementation files('libs/gpupixel-release.aar')

Then sync the project. For reference, see the Android Demo.

Reference article: Importing AAR Packages in Android

Windows and Linux

Refer to the demo and CMake configuration.

Released under the MIT License.